Currently working on...

Would love to design case studies for these once completed.

I2c’s Website Revamp

i2c went under brand evolution which also includes its web presence, which had remained outdated for years. To position itself as a direct competitor to Wise, Stripe, and other payment networks, it was crucial to effectively communicate the value and innovation i2c brings to the industry.

The team consisted of four members: a Creative Director, the Lead, myself, and a fellow designer. Our first step was to align on the direction and secure stakeholder approval. To do this, we went through multiple ierations and designed and presented few key pages. Below are the pages I contributed to.

C-Partner Revamp

A B2B product designed for i2c’s clients to efficiently manage their cards, funds, and customers. This is my first experience working on a large-scale product, where I’ve had the opportunity to deeply immerse myself in the intricacies of B2B design. Along the way, I’ve learned best practices from experienced leads and managers, collaborated with talented fellow designers, and gained valuable insights into the design and development of enterprise-level solutions.

This journey is teaching me how to balance the overall cost of a product, from design to development, effectively manage timelines, and make informed micro-decisions that contribute to the product’s success.

Footer is under brainstorm session….
